The painful past should always be left behind, to write a better future.

Manasee Godsay
1 min readMar 4, 2021

We all go through some tough times, disappointments, heartbreaks. It’s very important for us to realize that these situations are temporary and they are there to teach us an important lesson. Maybe we were wandering off or maybe we were settling for less than what we truly deserve?

It may seem unfair, but it’s important to stay true to ourselves and give our best, especially when it seems hard.

The next important thing is to let go off any unpleasant experiences and/or people associated with it. To come out of the fear of that experience happening again, will make us a stronger and braver person .

In fact, it’s in our hands to welcome what’s truly meant for us. For those lessons from past will help us harness it in a much better, kinder and gentler way.



Manasee Godsay

A thinker, traveler; people, science, art and environment enthusiast.