So much to be grateful for this past year.

Manasee Godsay
2 min readJan 6, 2023

Believe it or not, but it is true that we are in the year 2023. This brings us to the contemplating phase (which probably most have passed or are still in) and developing the brighter-future-perspective.

I personally am very grateful for a whole lot of things that have happened in my life this past year. There were things that I did not anticipate happening, and things that I truly hoped for to happen. And they both did happen. It may or may not be the same for others. Overall, I strongly believe that all things put together, happen for a greater truth, a bigger reason. And all that we do, when we act with our best intentions and our true selves leads to amazing things.

We don’t know what is going to happen, of course, but at least we have hope and faith to continue doing good things; continue living a true and happy life; continue making a difference in some way. A hope that all those times when we were brave, honest, kind, loving, compassionate (towards others and ourself) have made us what we are today. The hard work, the success and failures, the lessons will all come into picture someday.

This made me wonder, if it is anything special in 2023 or does this happen every new years?
Well, it’s probably a mix of both.

2023 is special because of all that has happened in the past year (years). And the path that it has carved out. But acknowledging and moving forward with hope is what makes it really special. And yes, this probably does happen every year, but we probably don’t focus enough. So, if we decide to take each past year as a collection of great memories, lessons and decide to move forward and grow, it definitely would be a step to a better self. And this does not mean (or is limited to) having titles or what others say, but a better (best so far) version of yourself — the way you look at yourself. Giving yourself credit for fighting all the battles and taking it easy when required will help charge with hope and determination. And most importantly, loving yourself a little more each day.

Happy and amazing new year to everyone!




Manasee Godsay

A thinker, traveler; people, science, art and environment enthusiast.