Happy New Year!

Manasee Godsay
2 min readJan 8, 2024

Dear 2024, I am so glad and grateful you are here.

It is fascinating that we are in 2024. And it also does remind me of the past three years all at once as we enter 2024. From 2021 till now, all the amazing events that happened, what has changed, what stayed and a lot that unfolded in our lives. We got closer to our truth, we got away from that what was neither the truth nor needed in our lives. It all goes hand in hand.

For me, this new year is about the beauty of life and the blessing; the universe playing its role; the strength of love; the power of hope; and courage and kindness. It is a fresh start, a second chance, or both.

I hope that this year is as amazing as what we truly carry in ourselves. For those who have been through a challenging time in the past and all that was hard/unfair, know that the universe has got your back. Of all the amazing love and kindness and beauty inside, and that it reflects outside too. With great health and an abundance of happiness that can be created from little things, from being mindful and truly being yourself in every way. Of success and wisdom from your thoughts and actions and of your own measures. There is a lot of pretense and negativity out there that does not help the world in any way, maybe being yourself and positive makes a difference?

I hope this year we welcome our dreams, all that we truly deserve and all our cherishing memories with open arms. Remember to thank those who we truly love and to thank the universe and God for this beautiful life.



Manasee Godsay

A thinker, traveler; people, science, art and environment enthusiast.