Curiosity, determination and most importantly the right attitude — Three qualities that always helped me

Manasee Godsay
2 min readJun 7, 2022

Growing up as a student who excelled in her class, I would do what I like to do and put my heart and soul into it, that’s all. My parents were most of the times overwhelmed and were and are so proud, however they did not make a big deal of it. They are humble people and most of the time they did not know how I studied; they just trusted me, that I was doing what I was supposed to do. Being a kind and respectful individual was paramount, and I have only valued it more and more growing up. They never pressured me or burdened me with any kind of expectations. I am grateful to them for this attitude. It was sometimes sad to see other children going through the otherwise.

I believe that is something that has helped me always - I was curious about things I learned. I was very diligent and meticulous, and most importantly, I did not compare myself to others in my class. It was only important that I didn’t let myself down. Yes, there were times when I did not score too well, or faced immense challenges in grad school. I wanted to learn challenging topics to be able to solve challenging problems. At times, it was quite disheartening too, but I kept true to the three qualities, and I made it through some tough times.
I have fond memories of my childhood, how I enjoyed studying and loved art. I was majorly independent; however, sometimes my Dad helped me understand physics and my mom helped me with health sciences. My parents were supportive, positive and open-minded. My teachers were great and encouraging (teachers of all ages and backgrounds). I have loved teaching my friends if I am good at a topic, it really helped me at the end of the day. Or approaching things in a way that you are trying to teach/help them, essentially helps with the learning curve.

Fast forwarding to my adult years and being in my 20s — As a professional, too, I strive to preserve the innocence, curiosity that I had as a child; Become better at things with diligence and put my heart and soul into all that I do. It also may lead to unexpected results or rewards sometimes. And at other times, it will help you grow. Asking questions and being curious with a noble, pure and intentional attitude gives birth to advancements for life and adds value/meaning to your life. It is truly satisfying, no matter what kind of job one does or what kind of problems one solves. Regardless of the titles, the amount of money you earn, the so-called superficial achievements; you truly need to know what you have achieved internally.



Manasee Godsay

A thinker, traveler; people, science, art and environment enthusiast.