Art and hobbies bring us closer to ourselves.

Manasee Godsay
2 min readOct 30, 2022

The first time I did a dance performance on the stage was when I was in pre-school; it still is a fresh memory and I still remember how I put my heart into it (although being a shy girl, I was terribly scared about it too). I also gave a speech for the first time on stage (alone) then. These two events somehow stand out as they guided me throughout my schooling. Pushing me to participate in events, and be bold even at times when I was petrified by the thought of it.

Dance, however, stayed a sort of personal hobby later on. I learned South Indian classical dance for a while and then let go of professional training as I couldn’t manage it with school and other things. The amount of joy I experience dancing for myself cannot be really expressed in words. It lifts me up like a parachute. It brings me closer to myself, and makes me forget any stresses or thoughts of day-to-day life (big or small) for that little duration. I realize why it makes me so happy. It is also similar to the feeling of draping a saree. Love for sarees has always been there; it brings me closer to my complete self and grace. And the tradition and heritage, being Indian and Hindu, is close to my heart and imbibed in me. Maybe it is the one of the reasons (although not limited), other being an art lover, that this is something I have developed a deeper affinity for, over the time.

On the other hand, art like drawing and painting has been a passionate hobby as well. Which also makes me forget any mundane things for that little duration. It also is a time of solitude and reflection. Getting back to art after many years, taking classes with people of different ages was something I needed in a time of growth and loneliness. Also, it was nice to feel inspired to go for it. I was impressed/surprised by how quickly I got back to it, like when I was in school.

These two hobbies have stayed with me and getting back to them in the past couple years made me promise myself that I will continue to pursue them in any way possible. Doesn’t have to be everyday or every week, but I do remind myself of taking them up as and when.

Fall is here in Boston with all its beauty and magic. The time of reflection and when lights appear to be glowing with more warmth. It also is the time after Diwali (Hindu festival) is celebrated in India, which is believed to charge one with hope and faith. And maybe we could set some time up for hobbies!




Manasee Godsay

A thinker, traveler; people, science, art and environment enthusiast.